Pastor Timothy C. Kendrick, Sr. 

Founder and Senior Pastor of Vision Kingdom Center Church, a multi-cultural, non-denominational church whose  vision is to meet people where they are and win souls to Christ.

Pastor Kendrick accepted his calling to ministry when God miraculous healed him in 2002, following the footsteps of his father, the late James O. Kendrick of Charity Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Tim is a prophet of God according to Jeremiah 1:5 and well equipped with Word of knowledge and revelation of God's Word. An anointed faith teacher, carrying the wisdom of Proverbs 4:7-9.  He is most known his strong faith (total agreement with God’s Word) and obedience to biblical teaching.

Pastor Tim is the President and CEO of VKC Ministries, Inc., a local  non-profit that focuses on providing wholistic services to members of the community.  He studied business and music Theory at IUPUI and mastered his Theology studies at Martin University. 

He is a great father, grandfather and gifted saxophonist and has ministered to congregations in several states.  He enjoys listening to music, exploring old school cars and helping young men be great husbands, fathers and next-generation leaders committed to kingdom building. 

To book speaking engagements, please contact Pastor Kendrick by phone at 317-522-1128 or email him at

Lady Tamiko Kendrick 

Lady Tamiko is a gifted administrator who serves with her husband and Pastor at Vision Kingdom Center Church. She is a teacher in the five-fold ministry and previously served as Purity Class Youth President and member of the Board of Trustees at the church of her youth. Her passion is youth ministry and mentoring young women who need assistance navigating through single parenting, career goals and biblical life skill and  principles. She joined VKC in 2014 after marrying her high-school sweetheart, Pastor Tim.

Lady Tamiko is Executive Director of VKC  Ministries, Inc., and enjoys connecting people with resources and basic human needs.   She is the founder and CEO of the LynnClay Consulting Group, LLC and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management and completed coursework to complete an MBA from Anderson University.  Her background is in Human Resources where she currently serves as Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Talent Management.

Her favorite scripture is Ephesians 4:20 - Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.  She enjoys working with her husband in ministry, breaking denominational barriers to reach lost souls. They are Godly proud parents and enjoy the blessings of seven beautiful grandchildren.

To book speaking engagements, please contact her directly at 317-522-1128 or email her at